The Man that Kills Cats.

Are Ferals Too Dangerous for this Man(?)
I think I have had better months. March ended rather disasterously after hitting a kangaroo, puncturing three - yes three - tyres, breaking a headlight and spending all our 'mad money' on car repairs. This all happened in the one day, on our trip to Townsville.
April began similarly. Our cat ( Em, the one I wrote about a couple of entries ago) vanished on April Fools Day. In true Em fashion, he ran away during a noisy engagement party at the pub. The music scared him, so close to home.
Then our old dog died on Tuesday night. Happily Minnie's death was as it should have been, peacefully on my lap after 13 years of love and bossiness. We buried her under the olive tree, beside her mate Zack.
Yesterday it was confirmed that our local unofficial cat culler killed our cat (great April Fools Day joke!). I wrote this when I heard.
The Man(?) that Kills Cats.
He keeps a tally outside his door,
near the ad for
"woman wanted
preferably with own chooks.
Apply within"
His score is cats - fourteen
ladies - nil.
He took our golden boy this week.
At Christmas time kids call him "Santa".
He hates that too.
The Man(?) that Kills Cats.
He keeps a tally outside his door,
near the ad for
"woman wanted
preferably with own chooks.
Apply within"
His score is cats - fourteen
ladies - nil.
He took our golden boy this week.
At Christmas time kids call him "Santa".
He hates that too.
I couldn't let these victims be forgotten. All three went in two weeks. The two black and whites were abandoned by our neighbour, one had just given birth. The ginger was our pride and joy. The kittens survived and have good homes.