Writers Block

It's one of those days
when inspiration won't come.
The cat needs a cuddle -
from who else but her mum?
It rained hard all night
now it's cold out of doors,
PO hates going out
to get mud on her paws.
I've a deadline to meet
but she doesn't care,
I cannot refuse her,
she knows that, I swear.
I'll be patient and wait,
for lunch time is near.
When Frank gets his sandwich
she'll leave me, I fear.
Frances Mackay (c) 24-05-10
ah, cats they do like to take a bit of our time..when we need to do other things..but we wouldn't have it any other way now would we?...purrr...:o)
Love and Blessings,
Rhiannon, at 12:40 AM
I love this. We just added a second kitty friend to our home. :)
Amanda Borenstadt, at 7:29 AM
I just adore my cat Hazel!She sleeps on my bed each night, making herself very comfortable
She is so clever...knows my habits, knows what tv programs I watch. She knows that when she hears certain music on the television, that it is getting close to mealtime.
Fortunately, my dog and my cat really like each other too...it is a real treat to watch them play together.
Sandy, at 5:08 PM
Lovely poem Frances. Cats definitely march to the beat of their own drum.
Hayden Mellsop, at 6:48 PM
I found you via Google and I love your writing! I checked out your other journal too. I write from San Diego, California. And I know someone from Torrens Creek!
Anonymous, at 7:24 AM
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