The Year of The Dog

And our dog, an aged Peke knows it. This morning she put on such a performance that her slave had to take her around the block in the car. She even woke him up early - and she has not done that since she was a young dog. Have dogs got an underground network?
Australia Day (January 26th) was celebrated with a wonderful downpour. There was water everywhere and our tank is overflowing. Now I wish we'd got a larger one.
As well, an unknown source of water has appeared. I thought maybe God had rewarded us for our patience over the ongoing water problem with the council and given us our own spring, but he-of-little-faith turned off the main. Now the water has vanished. If I was God I'd punish a Doubting Thomas too.
Looks like a plumbing job this week, just to keep us on our toes. Life is never boring.
Weather Diary.
In November the storm bird
flew in from New Guinea
to sing its promise of relief
from long months of drought.
By December
his promise became jaded,
overworked, faded -
barely audible over ribald remarks
directing him home.
January silenced him
with sullen heat.
No morning calls spur hope
until Australia Day dawns
on a dripping, washed world
and a surprised stormbird shrills,
"See - I was right after all!"
Frances Mackay January 2006.
Love this poem. One knows all we have to do is wait and all will be well. Well....!! We sometimes do need to call a plumber!
Sandy, at 1:33 AM
Patience is its own reward, so they say. Not one I've ever availed myself of. Very good poem!
Pat Paulk, at 6:53 AM
What a magnificent poem. You've infused such life into these words. Bravo!
Nick Zegarac, at 12:22 PM
Beautiful Frances! And your dog sure is a cutie!..:-)
Thanks for your nice comments on my blog. I'm slowly on the mend real soon just in time for spring! March is my Birthday month and all kinds of weather "roars in" then..we get it all!..hope more rain for you then!
Blessings to you Frances,
Rhiannon, at 6:33 PM
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