Since last posting the weather has turned suddenly. After a wonderful, replenishing rain Spring has arrived and it is absolutely beautiful. I wish I could post the smell as well as these pics.

My jackaranda (sp) is now tall enough to be visible all over town, the purple flowers are falling and mingling with the mahogany leaves and it really looks like a painting.

The raintrees are obscene, the blooms are so prolific. And the perfume in the early morning and evening is supurb. And now I discover my frangipani is flowering.
I wrote this poem last year, this season tops last years, so far.
Oh I love this time of year. Taking the dog for a walk (he still misses his mate, as we do) is an absolute pleasure - the town is covered in blossoms. Great time for a honeymoon.
And the birds, can't forget them. Hawks follow us and swoop and climb on the thermals in the early morning breezes. There are so many this year. And emus too apparently. We have a resident bower bird that keeps us entertained with his repetoir as he tries to pinch a bright blue bead that is part of my wind chime. And the honey eaters... And of course, can't forget the cockatoos and parrots that are enjoying the bounty.

My Garden in Spring (Tra-la).
Satin bright leaves cover the yard
like dots in an impressionist painting.
Lighter ones, arranged by benevolent
float like confetti to mingle with
crimson and white bougainvillea
and butterflies.
Raintree blossoms scent the air
and carpet red soil with fluffy green pom-poms.
Tiny finches and honeyeaters form
entrancing mobiles from the branches,
peeping enjoyment.
like dots in an impressionist painting.
Lighter ones, arranged by benevolent

float like confetti to mingle with
crimson and white bougainvillea
and butterflies.
Raintree blossoms scent the air
and carpet red soil with fluffy green pom-poms.
Tiny finches and honeyeaters form
entrancing mobiles from the branches,
peeping enjoyment.
Lovely spring photos Frances. Hope you will be enjoying the holidays soon. Thinking of you and thank you for the thoughtful post you left on my blog in regards to my, well what can I say?...in regards to my brain problem..gotta laugh as now I have an excuse when I get confused or whatever! Just kidding.
Thinking of you and hope your health is hanging in there..take good care.
Love and Blessings,
Rhiannon, at 2:58 PM
Amazing to see you at last and funny as somehow I had a picture of you as a large woman,Frances . I didn't know they were called gophers either. Loved the photos poems and flowers.I may get you to identify a name of a tree somewhat like a huge hibiscus but very soft wood like a laveteria and bright yellow flowers the droop somewhat rather than shout like the hibiscus..Could you join my Facebook maybend see photos of flowers here Maybe. I would love to have you in my small band of friends Love Viv
Vivienne Bibby, at 5:57 PM
Hurrah.It worked. Viv Now you have three comments.
Vivienne Bibby, at 5:58 PM
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Anonymous, at 2:54 AM
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